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WILL Bulletin 2024-2025


Women in Leadership and Learning

WILL Director: Cecilia Colbeth

Affiliated faculty for curricular program: Nelson Rodriguez (2024-2025)

Women in Learning and Leadership (WILL) is a curricular and co-curricular course of study designed to develop leadership skills and provide leadership experiences. WILL offers active learning opportunities that empower women as leaders and fosters a deeper understanding of women’s roles and contributions to society. Successful completion of both the curricular and co-curricular courses of study results in a WILL certificate, which will be noted on the student’s official transcript. If the co-curricular requirements of the program are not met but the academic requirements are, this will result in the student having completed the Women’s and Gender Studies minor only. The WILL Certificate Program will not appear on the student’s official transcript.

In addition to the co-curricular requirement, there are two paths students may complete to satisfy the curricular requirements: completion of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major or completion of the WILL curricular requirements

Curricular Requirements for WILL for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies majors

Students who complete the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major will automatically have completed the curricular requirements for the WILL Program.

Curricular Requirements for WILL for non-WGSS majors

Five Courses

  • Only one course can double count between a major and the minor. A minimum of two courses towards the academic minor need to be at the 300 or above level.
  • Introductory Course: WGS 200/Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: An introductory level course that introduces students to the discipline
  • Theory Course: WGS 325/Feminist Theories, WGS 365/Black Feminist Thought, or WGS 375/Transnational Feminisms
  • A 200-level or above Gender & Global—A requirement that may be fulfilled by courses that examine feminist issues and theories in a global context. Choose one from the following:

CMP 321/Gender & Disability: Literary Perspectives

HGS 210/Non-Violence and Peace Action

HIS 324/Women in Eastern Europe

HIS 327/European Society Since 1879

LIT 316/Global Women Writers

PBH 222/Non-Violence and Peace Action

SOC 271/Gender and Language

SOC 303/Gender and Activism in Global Perspective

SOC 342/ Social Change in Latin America

WGS 222/Non-Violence and Peace Action

WGS 270/Topics – When approved for Global by College Core Committee

WGS 271/Gender and Language

WGS 321/Gender & Disability: Literary Perspectives

WGS 310/Women in Eastern Europe

WGS 327/European Social History Since 1789

WGS 370/Topics – When approved for Global by College Core Committee

WGS 375/Transnational Feminisms

WGS 376/Global Women Writers

WGS 380/Gender and Democracy

WLC 271/Gender and Language

  • A 200-level or above Gender & Race and Ethnicity; Choose one from the following:

AAS 252/Gender, Race, and Cultural Production

AAS 280/Women of African Descent in Global Perspectives

AAS 321/Race, Gender, and the News

AAS 335/Caribbean Women Writers

AAS 370/Topics: Brujas and Blackness

AAS 373/Slavery and Black Womanhood

AAS 375/Black Feminist Thought

AAS 376/African American Women’s History

AAS 362/History of Black Lives Matter

ANT 381/Women and Migration

HIS 350/Race & Gender in Latin America

HIS 373/Slavery and Black Womanhood

HIS 375/Race and Gender in 19th Century American South

HIS 376/African American Women’s History

JPW 321/Race, Gender, and the News

LIT 334/Lit by Latinas & Latin American Women

LIT 335/Caribbean Women Writers

LIT 379/Asian American Literature

NUR 260/Diversity, Culture, and Health Equity

PBH 383/Foundations in Community Birthwork: The Doula Method

SOC 342/Social Change in Latin America

SPE 340/Educational Equity and Social Justice in Documentary Film

WGS 252/Gender, Race, and Cultural Production

WGS 260/Women of African Descent in Global Perspectives

WGS 270/Topics: Introduction to Latine/x Feminisms

WGS 335/Caribbean Women Writers

WGS 360/Lit by Latinas & Latin American Women

WGS 361/African American Women’s History

WGS 362/History of Black Lives Matter

WGS 363/Slavery and Black Womanhood

WGS 365/Black Feminist Thought

WGS 370/Topics: Brujas and Blackness

WGS 379/Asian American Literature

WGS 381/Women and Migration

  • A 300 or 400-level Elective; Choose one from the following (includes WGS 499 and WGS 399: Internship):

AAH 344/Women, Art, and Society

AAH 354/Looking At Women: Representation, Feminism, And Film

AAS 321/Race, Gender, and The News

AAS 362/History of Black Lives Matter

ANT 350/Race and Gender in Latin America

ANT 381/Women and Migration

CMP 321/Gender & Disability: Literary Perspectives

CMP 340/Educational Equity and Social Justice in Documentary Film

COM 343/Looking at Women: Representations, Feminism & Film

CRI 303/Victimology                                                

ECO 325/Women, Gender, and Work

HGS 210/Non-Violence and Peace Action

HIS 324/Women in Eastern Europe

HIS 327/European Society Since 1789

HIS 365/Topics: When Topic is Gender Related

HIS 368 /LGBTQ+ History in the U.S.

HIS 373/Slavery and Black Womanhood

HIS 375 /Race and Gender in 19th Century American South

HIS 376/African American Women’s History

HIS 384/Women in 20th Century U.S.

HIS 385/Women in the U.S. to 1900

JPW 321/Race, Gender, & the News

LIT 311/Women’s Autobiographies, Diaries & Letters

LIT 316 /Global Women Writers

LIT 317/The Witch in Literature

LIT 334/Lit By Latinas & Latin American Women

LIT 335/Caribbean Women Writers

LIT 370/Topics: American Feminist Literature

LIT 370/Topics: Black Women Writers

LIT 370/Topics: Childbirth in Women’s Literature

LIT 379/Asian American Literature

LIT 395/Topics in Women Writers

MUS 355/Gender, Sexuality, & Pop Music in the 1980’s

PBH 383/Foundations in Community Birthwork: The Doula Method

PSY 336 /Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health

PSY 350/Psychology of Women

PSY 351/Gender Gap in Science

PSY 355/Power, Oppression, and Privilege

REL 373/Women and Spirituality

SOC 303/Gender & Activism in Global Perspective

SOC 334/Gender in U.S. Society

SOC 342/Social Change in Latin America

SOC 360/Social Movements and Community Activism

WGS 301/Women in America

WGS 302/Women in The Us To 1900

WGS 303/Women in The 20th Century Us

WGS 305/Looking at Women: Representations, Feminism & Film

WGS 310/Women in Eastern Europe

WGS 314/Women’s Autobiographies, Diaries & Letters

WGS 317/The Witch in Literature

WGS 321/Gender & Disability: Literary Perspectives

WGS 327/European Social History Since 1879

WGS 330/Gender and Public Policy

WGS 335/Caribbean Women Writers

WGS 340/Queer History

WGS 350/Gender Equity in the Classroom

WGS 351/Gender Gap in Science Careers

WGS 355/Women, Gender, and Work

WGS 360/Lit By Latinas & Latin American Women

WGS 361/African American Women’s History

WGS 362/History of Black Lives Matter

WGS 363/Slavery and Black Womanhood

WGS 366/Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health

WGS 373/Women and Spirituality

WGS 376/Global Women Writers

WGS 379/Asian American Literature

WGS 380 /Gender and Democracy

WGS 381/Women and Migration

WGS 391/Independent Study

WGS 393/Independent Research

WGS 398 /Feminism in The Workplace

WGS 399/Independent Internship

WGS 498/Senior Seminar

WGS 499 /Women’s Leadership

WGS 370/470/Topic Dependent

WILL Curricular  Pathway for Education Majors

Courses to complete are:

WGS 200; A WGS Theory course; A Gender and Global course; A Gender and Race & Ethnicity course that can count as a U.S. History course for Education; An Elective course. Remember, at least two of the five courses required for the minor need to be at the 300 or above level.

WILL Curricular  Pathway for Public Health

Courses to complete are:

WGS 200; A WGS Theory course; A Gender and Global course; A Gender and Race & Ethnicity Course; A Gender/Public Health Elective course. Remember, at least two of the five courses required for the minor need to be at the 300 or above level.


Program Entrance, Retention, and Exit Standards

Every major program at the College has set standards for allowing students to remain in that program, to transfer within the College from one program to another, and to graduate from a program. The following are the standards for Women in Leadership and Learning. Minimum grades are noted in parentheses:

Program Entrance:

  • The WILL Program at TCNJ accepts between 20 – 25 new applicants per Academic Year.
  • Students for the WILL program are accepted through an application process. Materials to be submitted are: (1) a resume that includes any community activism and volunteering as well as high school honors programs and involvement in student organizations; (2) an essay question; (3) transcripts (if needed)
  • Dates for submission of the application are sent in the spring and summer of each year. If there are openings during the academic year, applications are also considered


  • Curricular Program Retention is based on passing grades in all required academic courses.
  • Co-Curricular Program Retention:
    • Attendance at three gender/intersectionality-related WILL Program sponsored or WILL (Recognized Student Organization) co-sponsored events each semester the student is a member of the WILL Program until graduation from TCNJ
    • Attendance/Participation in local/national/international conferences or seminars sponsored by the WILL Program may count towards the above requirement
    • Attendance at three WILL (RSO) General Body meetings (unless excused due to a class or work scheduling conflict) and one (1) WILL Program meeting each semester the student is a member of the WILL Program until graduation from TCNJ
    • At least one semester of service on a WILL (RSO) Committee

Completing the WILL certificate requires:

  • Successful completion of both the Curricular and Co-Curricular Requirements.