WILL 2024 Executive Board
(WILL Officers are elected at the end of the fall semester and remain in office for a full calendar year.)
Erin Ryan – ryane4@tcnj.edu
Jacquelyn Anderson – anderj13@tcnj.edu
Committees & Committee Chairs 2024
Internal Affairs Committee
This committee takes charge of day to day communication with members, maintains records of attendance at WILL meetings, maintains records of committee membership, keeps minutes at meetings, and functions as the historian of the WILL program (maintain scrapbook, etc).
Simmer Jealf – jealfs1@tcnj.edu
Programming Committee
The programming committee organizes functions and programs for WILL membership meetings, as well as for the campus community; also plans social events each semester.
This committee also prepares for upcoming events including publicity. Members network and form coalitions with other student organizations, represent WILL on campus-wide committees, and provide information for the website.
Paige Gould – gouldp4@tcnj.edu & Emily Pruksa – pruksae1@tcnj.edu
Finance Committee
This committee maintains the WILL student organization’s finances and plans fundraisers for WILL student programs.
Megan Folina – folinam1@tcnj.edu
Ariyana Hussain – hussaia3@tcnj.edu
Membership Committee
In order to recruit new students, this committee organizes and disseminates information to first year students, actively recruits new members, organizes activities for TCNJ Open Houses and Spring Day, and manages peer mentoring among WILL students.
Cameron Ruffini – ruffinc1@tcnj.edu & Emma Vangeli – vangele2@tcnj.edu
Juliana Morris- morrisj5@tcnj.edu
Community Service Committee
This committee provides information, organizes volunteer and community service opportunities for WILL students.
Ashlee Juarez – juareza1@tcnj.edu & Maria Hourihan – hourihm1@tcnj.edu
One of the requirements for WILL students is to attend three gender-related events each semester. Therefore, the Genderwatch position was created in order to accurately inform WILL members of upcoming gender events. Responsibilities of the Genderwatch position include being well-informed of campus events and providing the members of WILL with a weekly calendar of gender events.
Bayane Chahine – chahinb1@tcnj.edu