Intern or Volunteer with to Help Catholic Charities and Make a Difference!
• Use your skills, experience, knowledge, creativity and talent to help Catholic charities and improve the lives of millions of men and women.
• Help us capture for Catholic nonprofits – or other causes you care about –some of the $450 billion Americans spend each year buying presents.
• Become a member of our dynamic and creative international team, and become a leader among those who care for the same causes as you do.
• Help us grow a movement to facilitate and encourage a new type of meaningful giving through direct engagement of nonprofits, foundations, associations, thought leaders, media, and celebrities.
• Work from our Manhattan office or remotely.
• Enhance your resume with a record of accomplishment and service, and get a glowing letter of recommendation.
Focus on Catholic Causes or Your Other Favorite Cause
At ChangingThePresent you can focus on Catholic charities or any other favorite cause.
We Channel New Funds to Nonprofits
Americans spend $450 billion a year on birthday, holiday, and other presents, most of which make no difference in the lives of those who receive them. Tons of sweaters, furry slippers, and ties end up in the dark corners of our closets. Meanwhile, thousands of non-profit organizations–including Catholic charities–need more funding to do their important work.
Some people, who seek meaning more than things, are starting to make donations in a friend’s name in lieu of giving traditional presents. However, most nonprofits cannot provide the rewarding gift-like experience—wish lists, gift registries, and personalized printed greeting cards—required to make that feel like a rewarding gift. provides those tools to facilitate this type of giving for nonprofits and donors. Imagine the impact we can make together as more and more people adopt this as a norm.
The New York Times called us an “ of the nonprofit world” for our work in helping 400 leading nonprofits capture money normally spent on traditional presents. Now, we are about to offer this opportunity to all million nonprofits. You can help us reach all Catholic charities, as well as individuals who would rather support them than buy another vase or picture frame.
This is a great place to work. We have had interns and volunteers from all over the United States and more than forty countries. The atmosphere is energetic, creative, and fun. We value brainstorming, initiative, sharing, and collaborating. Think of it is a laboratory, studio, seminar, or incubator. We are also casual. We are interested in your brains, creativity and heart, rather than your attire. Want to work in jeans, t-shirt and flip-flops? That’s fine with us.
Who, Where, When
• We are glad to hear from high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as professionals who want to make a meaningful impact with their skills.
• Work at our office or remotely. We are conveniently located at 7th Avenue and 33 Street, across from Penn Station in Manhattan.
• Full-time or part-time, school-year or summer, day or evening, weekday or weekend. We are glad to have your help whenever and wherever you are available.
• We provide a great opportunity to make a meaningful change in the world, but this is an unpaid position.
Use and enhance your professional skills in any of these fields: strategy, partnerships, finance, communications, social media, graphics, research, community management, fundraising, sponsorships, Public Relations (PR), Human Resources (HR), marketing, event management, organizing, and activism.