The Women’s Center internship opportunities are diverse and flexible, suited for women from all walks of life. Some interns are students, considering careers in social services. Some are women interested in political activism. Others simply want to share their skills with a community of women. Interns have the unique exposure to the inner workings of a non-profit, as well as a chance to be immersed in various social justice topics. Whether it is helping to organize low-income women with the community organizer, writing grants with the development coordinator, or helping to diversify the volunteer training curriculum, an internship at the Women’s Center is a mind and skill expanding experience.
Intern Information:
Clinical Interns Clinical Interns commit to eight or more hours a week. Their time is divided between – 1) greeting and assisting women who enter the Women’s Center and answering the Listening Support Line; 2) providing weekly office hours and drop in hours for clients; 3) performing intake and other administrative duties; 4) and conducting workshops, group therapy, play therapy and etc. in the evenings or on weekends.
Clinical Interns will receive clinical supervision from our Clinical Coordinator who is a Licensed Mental Health Clinician. Clinical Interns are required to have a graduate clinical degree or are graduate students in Psychology, Social Work or Expressive Therapies (exceptions may be made for undergraduate seniors of any field with extensive work or volunteer experience with non-profits serving women). Bilingual/ Bicultural interns are encouraged to apply. A six month commitment is ideal.
Program Interns:
The Women’s Center is seeking interns to help with the following:
1. Resource Development and Coordination – to put together comprehensive, bilingual binders of resources for women in Cambridge, Boston, and New England.
2. Childcare – help to design an appropriate childcare program and necessary systems, help coordinate and recruit volunteers.
3. Fundraising – to research grant opportunities, help draft grants, call potential donors, and help with other fundraising initiatives as needed.
4. Women’s Center History Project – to gather information and organize archives of information about the Women’s Center’s history and put together a display.
5. Art Intern –The goal of the internship is to provide free art resources for homeless and low-income women in Cambridge. Currently, the Women’s Center has a beading group, painting group, and sewing group. These groups provide a safe space for women to support one another and have a creative outlet. The schedule is flexible, but currently the schedule is:
1. Mondays: 10 AM- 12 noon, Beading
2. Tuesdays: 10 AM- 12 noon, Painting
3. Wednesdays: 10 AM- 12 noon, Sewing
To apply for any kind of intern positions, please send a cover letter and resume and fill out the internship application form to
Additional Skills Required: empathy, sense of humor, strong sense of responsibility, progressive politics, commitment to anti-racism, anti-homophobia and women’s rights.
Application Information:
Intern Application Form (word)
All internships are combined with staffing on their information and support Helpline.
Training is provided. To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume and application form to the address below.
Contact: The Women’s Center
Ming Chang
46 Pleasant Street
Cambridge, MA 02139